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Last watched
Carter Pinasco MASTER engine with intake valve for Vespa PX 125/150
Price: | €834,24 All prices include VAT |
Item code: | 6635 |
cod. produttore: | 26482040 |
Availability: | Available Disponibile subito |
Quantity: |
Users feedback
Thanks to the new fastening system with 3 steel plates, the specific Pinasco oil seal is clamped between the crankcase and the crankcase bearing (NOT INCLUDED) without being able to come out of its seat. It fits all commercially available crankshafts for Vespa PX 200. How many times have you been stranded with your Vespa because of the clutch side oil seal? How many times have you raised your hands in surrender because of the oil seal slipping out of its seat? How many times have you ruined the bearing seat because of extremely hard clutch springs and engine performance? Pinasco, always on the lookout for solutions to the most common problems of tuned Vespas, proposes a solution to this inconvenience by updating the clutch bank of its engine crankcase with the new 2.0 model. Thanks to the new fixing system using 3 steel plates, the specific Pinasco oil seal is blocked between the crankcase and the crankcase bearing without having the possibility of coming out of its seat. The plates guarantee perfect adjustment of the bearing, eliminating the play that often occurs between the seeger and the bearing, and the safety clips guarantee total blocking of the entire system. The new bearing housing has been further reinforced with the addition of 3 new ribs that guarantee the support and tightness of the entire crankcase, 2 reinforcing ribs have been added on the cluster axis. The crankcase is bored to accommodate crankshafts with oversized shoulders. Moulding the crankcases using the die-casting technique guarantees superior strength and lightness compared to gravity moulding, qualities that are highly appreciated in the racing world, and the shape that is almost identical to the original does not change the aesthetics of your vehicle. -System with external oil seal and 3-point bearing lock. -Prepared for mounting Pinasco 28 carburettor. -Reinforcements on the gearbox axle -Flywheel side already beveled 100mm diameter. -Intake valve oversized. -Reinforcements on cluster shaft. -Transpass and intake already machined, no invasive work required.
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