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Cylinder PIAGGIO by SIP 125 cc for Vespa 125 VNB / GT / GTR 1 ° / Super, Ø 52,5mm, nodular cast iron, 2 decanting, 57mm stroke, 2 ring (s) piston, 3rd racking closed with spacer
Price: |
Item code: | 0521 |
cod. produttore: | 19874600 |
Availability: | Available to be ordered |
Quantity: |
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Cylinder kit PIAGGIO by SIP 125 cc for Vespa 125 VNB/GT/GTR 1st/Super, Ø 52,5mm, nodular cast iron, 2 transfers, 57mm stroke, 2 piston ring(s), 3rd closed transfer with spacer For less than you think, you can get a 1:1 replacement of good quality. What more could you want? We try to supply you with original PIAGGIO cylinders. As long as they produce them. If they are the PIAGGIO ones, we name them that way. performance and optics are identical with the original kit. Comes complete with piston rings, bolts and piston. European wide homologation remains. A powerful, high quality alternative to the more usual 2 port transfer cylinders available are our reworked OE PIAGGIO VESPA PX125/150cc cylinders, as well as the even more powerful 2 port version of the 177cc cylinders produced by Polini and DR. The boost ports of these cylinders have been sealed and fuel gas transfer is provided by the ports of the same name, located on both sides of the gauge. No further modification of the crankcase is necessary for the immediate use of these cylinder kits, which makes them an ideal pick-up and tuning option for all VESPA 125 VNB/GT/GTR/150 VBA/VBB/GL/Sprint/T4 and Super models. If the engine has a bush instead of a small bottom bearing, it will also need replacement. Conclusion: an attractively priced cast iron cylinder, ideal for your daily runabout. If desired, this cylinder can easily be further optimised by adding a 24 mm carburettor, a reworked inlet port, a race crankshaft and a SIP street exhaust.
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