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Cylinder head Pinasco central candle VRH PRO for Vespa PX - GT - LML - WHAT 125-150
Price: |
Item code: | 0060 |
cod. produttore: | 25243702 |
Availability: | Available to be ordered |
Quantity: |
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HEAD PINASCO CANDLE CENTRAL SUITABLE FOR ALL CYLINDER CAST IRON AND ALUMINUM 175cc and 177cc Pinasco, POLINI, MALOSSI. Suitable for models: - Vespa PX - Vespa GT - LML Vespa - Vespa Cosa 125-150 Head VRH VRH Candle Central Cylinder Head Spark Central Head VRH central candle dedicated to all Pinasco Vespa equipped with thermal units or any other thermal unit 177. The VRH new head at the central candle, in fact, is the only adaptable to all thermal groups present on the market, because it keeps the classical form of the most common heads. The VRH head is innovative and is produced in 2 different models, the basic model VRH PRO central candle with the chamber and the squish recalculated and most prestigious decomposable VRH GP composed of a door-head and 2 heads; the first head called GP1 dedicated to tourism with a hemispherical chamber and squish recalculated, the second named GP2 with the innovative cylinder design radiused dedicated to the racing world with a compression ratio increased bandwidth and more thrust squish. The head VRH GP is intended to preparer more demanding, thanks to the separable domes you can be modifi ed in pleasure realizing any type of drawing and compression ratio fi nalized to the maximum of its engine performance. They are supplied to order the semi-finished and the appropriate tool to lock the head on the lathe and facilitate all phases of realization. VRH head with central spark dedicated to all Pinasco Vespa equipped with cylinder 177cc kit or any other kit. This head is the only central spark cylinder head suitable with all kits available on the market Because It Maintains the classical shape of the most common heads. The VRH head is produced in two models: the base model VRH PRO with combustion chamber and squish recalculated and The More prestigious modular VRH GP made of a head holder and two small heads: the fi rst called GP1 dedicated to tourism with semi-spherical combustion chamber and recalculated squish, the second called GP2 with a very innovative design specifi c for racing Increased compression ratio and more stressed squish. The VRH GP is dedicated to the most exigent tuner; it may be modified and any Realizing design and compression ratio to Obtain the maximum performance from an engine.
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