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Gruppo Termico VMC ET7-60 144cc Ø 60mm E Corsa 51mm per Vespa Primavera - ET3 - PK Testa in pressofusione con Candela Laterale
Price: |
Item code: | 120110 |
cod. produttore: | 3796 |
Availability: | Available to be ordered |
Quantity: |
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Cylinder 7 ports in aluminium, shell moulding technology, liner with Nikasil treatment Bore diameter 60mm Stroke 51mm Cubic capacity 144cc, Exhaust port with BOOSTERS Main ports 128° Exhaust 188°, centre distance between exhaust studs 60mm, oval 32mm exhaust outlet diameter The exhaust can be increased to 36mm with a slight filing to adapt to our Evo SeiDue and Kifly 62 mufflers Piston with 2 segments in Rik steel complete with pin and retainers. Die-cast aluminium head with LATERAL spark plug with 4 additional fixing screws. Squish 1.1mm ± 0.1mm. M7 stud nut tightening: 11÷12 Nm, M6 screw tightening 10÷11 Nm Complete with bolts and paper cylinder gaskets of various thicknesses. It is a cylinder suitable for extreme tuning. Mounted with a VMC Evo 62 it needs a close gearbox and with more generous expansion mufflers such as the VMC Kifly 62 more power in the region of 30hp Mounted with the VMC Siluro Sport the cylinder is transformed into a fast touring engine with generous torque from low revs and with excellent elongation. Attention: In order to be mounted on Piaggio crankcases it is necessary to remove the half-moon on the crankcase and to bore the cylinder inlet on the crankcase with a diameter of 64mm for a depth of about 8mm in order to get the cylinder liner into the crankcase. IT IS POSSIBLE TO DO THIS WITH A MANUAL CUTTER USING THE STEEL GUIDE SUPPLIED WITH THE KIT BY SCREWING IT INTO THE CYLINDER STUD HOLES. New model of CNC machined aluminium head made in Italy, Steel segments Steel studs Steel stops Squish 1.5 mm ±0.1mm. Nut tightening 11÷12 Nm Screw tightening 10÷11 Nm Paper/aluminium cylinder gaskets. Prohibited for road use.
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