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Rear carrier for Vespa comfort PX80-200 / PE / Lusso
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Item code: | 10133 |
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Rear luggage rack, Comfort for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso chrome, luggage rack 28x33 cm, foldable, with spare wheel carrier for 10 open rim, with backrest
9329;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 125 GTR - 150 Sprint;Chrome-plated Vespa rear luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits models: - Vespa 125 GTR - Vespa 150 Sprint
9334;Chromed rear Vespa luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 50 Special - ET3 - Primavera;Chromed rear Vespa luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 Special - Vespa ET3 - Vespa Primavera
9328;Chrome plated rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa GT 125L - 200L
10992;Chromed rear luggage rack with backrest for Vespa GT - GTR - Sprint - Sprint V. - GL - Super - TS - VNB from 4T>6T - VBA - VBB - PX;Chromed rear luggage rack with backrest for Vespa GT - GTR - Sprint V. - GL - Super - TS - VNB from 4T>6T - VBA - VBB - PX
6871;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack for new Vespa Primavera (scooter);Rear luggage rack, FA for Vespa Primavera/Sprint/Electric 50-150ccm chrome, 32x21 cm luggage rack, foldable The products made by FA Italia are definitely Made in Italy '. Their range of chrome accessories are heavily based on the design of the OE PIAGGIO parts, at significantly lower prices, with no loss of production or chrome quality. The weld seams are neat, precise and all items have an engraved FA Italia logo on the display to make their origin beyond doubt. FA Italia is one of the first manufacturers to be able to offer their complete range in a beautiful shade of black that adds a particularly sporty touch in combination with the current blue, white or red paintjobs. This rear rack is firmly bolted to the frame at four separate points. To activate this grab rail pillions must be removed. Instead, another grab rail is integrated into the design of the carrier itself. The original panel used to cover the four fixing screws can no longer be used. The large luggage carrying surface allows the use of any universal pannier system, but for more style an original PIAGGIO element can of course find its place! Conclusion: Definitely to be taken into consideration due to their general appearance and general quality being so close to that of the original PIAGGIO items! Fits models: VESPA Electric ZAPCB0100 -- -- 2018 VESPA Primavera 50 ZAPC53200 2T AC `13-`16 VESPA Primavera / Touring 4V 50 ZAPC53100 4T AC `13-`17 VESPA Primavera 3V / Touring Euro4 50 ZAPCA0100 4T AC `17-`18 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 150 ZAPM81200 / ZAPM81201 / ZAPM818/ RP8M82 4T AC `13-`16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 125 ZAPM81101 4T AC `13-`18 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 125 ZAPM81100 / ZAPM81101 / RP8M82 4T AC `13-`16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 150 ZAPM81200 4T AC `16-`17 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 150 ZAPM81201 4T AC `16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 125 ZAPM81100 4T AC `16-`17 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet 125 ZAPMA1100 / RP8M825 4T AC `16- VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet 125 RP8M82500 4T AC `16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 150 ZAPMA1200 / RP8M822 4T AC `16- VESPA Sprint / Sport 50 ZAPC53201 2T AC `14-`16 VESPA Sprint 3V Euro4 50 ZAPCA0101 4T AC `17-`19 VESPA Sprint 3V Euro4 50 ZAPCA0103 4T AC `18- VESPA Sprint 4V 50 ZAPC53101 4T AC `14-`17 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V 150 ZAPM81401 4T AC `14-`16 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V / Sport 150 ZAPM814 / RP8M8 4T AC `14-`16 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V / Sport 125 ZAPM81300 / ZAPM81301 / RP8M821 4T AC `14-`17 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 125 ZAPMA1300 / RP8M825 4T AC `16- VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 150 ZAPMA1400 / RP8M82211 4T AC `16-
9769;Chromed rear rack for Vespa 50/125 S - LX. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 S - Vespa LX 50-125
11588;Chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa Cosa 1/2, 25X37cm
4984;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting);Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting)
5517;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack for Vespa PX - LML
6620;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX - PE all models;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX - PE all models
9330;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX up to 1983;ATTENTION: This model is not suitable for PX versions from Arcobaleno model onwards. Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX.
5797;Chrome plated rear luggage rack for Vespa Rally, SIP 70s for Vespa 125 VNB4-6/GT/GTR/TS/Super/150 VBB2/GL/Sprint/V/160 GS 2°/180 SS/ Rally, loading area: 30x20 cm, rigid;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack for Vespa Rally, SIP 70s for Vespa 125 VNB4-6/GT/GTR/TS/Super/150 VBB2/GL/Sprint/V/160 GS 2°/180 SS/ Rally, load area: 30x20 cm, rigid
11279;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa Sprint - GT - GTR - TS - GL - Rally. Fits the following models: - Vespa Sprint - Vespa GT - Vespa TS - Vespa GL - Vespa Rally
9333;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa Sprint - Sprint Veloce - GL - GT - GTR - TS - RALLY 180/200 - Super - SS180 - GS160;Not compatible with PX models
10690;Cuppini rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5, folding size 38x25 cm, with backrest;Cuppini rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5, folding dimensions 38x25 cm, with backrest VESPA P125X 125 VNX1T 2T AC `77-`82 VESPA P150 S 150 VBX1T 2T AC `78-`90 VESPA P150X / PX150 E 150 VLX1T 2T AC `78-1985 VESPA P200E / PX200 E 200 VSX1T 2T AC `77-`83 VESPA P80 / P80 E (Frankreich) 80 V8A1T 2T AC `80-`84 VESPA P80X/PX80 E 80 V8X1T 2T AC `81-83 VESPA PX 80 E Lusso/ EFL/ Arcobaleno / Elestart 80 V8X1T 2T AC `83-`90 VESPA PX100 E 100 VIX1T 2T AC `83-`84 VESPA PX125 2011/ 30 Jahre 125 ZAPM74100 2T AC `11- VESPA PX125 CAT 125 ZAPM50100 2T AC `07- VESPA PX125 E 125 VNX2T 2T AC `81-`84 VESPA PX125 E 125 VNX2T 2T AC `81-`83 VESPA PX125 E '98 / Millenium 125 VNX2T 2T AC `98-`05 VESPA PX125 E Lusso/EFL/Arcobaleno / Elestart 125 VNX2T 2T AC `83-`97 VESPA PX150 2011 150 ZAPM74200 2T AC `11- VESPA PX150 E '98 / Millenium 150 VLX1T 2T AC `98 VESPA PX150 E Lusso/EFL/Arcobaleno / Elestart 150 VLX1T 2T AC `83-`97 VESPA PX200 E '98 / Millenium 200 VSX1T 2T AC `98- VESPA PX200 E Lusso/ EFL/ Arcobaleno / Elestart 200 VSX1T 2T AC `83-`97 VESPA T5 Classic 125 VNX5T 2T AC `92-`95 Luggage carriers are the ideal accompaniment for short and long excursions. Whether on the road for shopping or for a trip to Sicily - you need to upgrade the storage area. If you are on the road with a lot of luggage, weight distribution is essential for a safe journey. Overloaded luggage racks, both front and rear, have a negative influence on how your scooter handles. A proper sports chassis suspension is a real help here. Rear luggage racks are connected to holes already drilled in the seat and tank and are bolted on. Several models are equipped with additional bars for optimal holding power. These are connected to the lower edge of the frame and screwed on. Almost all racks are available as fold-up and non-fold-up models. Fixed (non-fold-up) models are particularly useful when carrying suitcases, bags and topcases. For this original 60s look, it is recommended to install roof racks with back support and spare wheel holder. Be sure to pay attention to the tyre dimensions when ordering.
120422;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 50 - ET3;Chromed Faco Vespa rear luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 - Vespa ET3
2421;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack with flap for Vespa PX - PE;Chromed Faco rear Vespa luggage rack with flap. Fits the following models: - Vespa PX - Vespa PE
2426;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap for Vespa ET2 - ET4;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap Fits the following models: - Vespa ET2 - Vespa ET4
2430;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60/GT/GT L 125-300ccm;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60/GT/GT L 125-300ccm
2442;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with backrest for Vespa PX 125 - 151- PX - PE - PX Disco;Vespa rear luggage carrier Faco chromed with backrest. Suitable for the following models: - Vespa PX 125 - 151 - Vespa PX - Vespa PE - Vespa PX with disc brake
8932;Chromed Faco rear carrier for Vespa 50N - PK - XL - HP - Rush;Black Faco rear Vespa carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50N - Vespa PK - XL - HP - Vespa Rush
2447;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa GTS 300 - 250i;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa GTS 300 - 250i
2431;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa LX;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa LX
2767;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa Special - Primavera - ET3;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 Special - Vespa Primavera - Vespa ET3
2441;Black Faco rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 50 - ET3;Black Faco rear Vespa luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 - Vespa ET3
7916;Black Faco rear luggage rack with backrest for Vespa PX - PE;Black Faco rear Vespa luggage rack with backrest. Fits the following models: - Vespa PX - Vespa PE
7999;Black Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 Special - Primavera - ET3;Black Faco rear luggage rack. Suitable for the following models: - Vespa 50 Special - Vespa Primavera - Vespa ET3
2445;Black Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa 50N - PK - XL - HP - Rush;Black Faco rear luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50N - Vespa PK - XL - HP - Vespa Rush
2439;Black Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa PX 125 - 151- PX - PE - PX Disco;Black painted Faco rear Vespa luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa PX 125 - 151 - Vespa PX - Vespa PE - Vespa PX with disc brake
0351;Black-painted rear luggage rack 30x20 cm for Vespa Sprint - Sprint Veloce - GL - GT - GTR - TS - RALLY 180/200 - Super - SS180 - GS160;Black-painted rear Vespa luggage rack, 30x20 cm Fits the following models: - Vespa Rally - Vespa Sprint - Vespa GTR - Vespa GT - Vespa TS - Vespa GL - Vespa 180SS
6835;Black rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 125 GTR - 150 Sprint;Chrome-plated Vespa rear luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits models: - Vespa 125 GTR - Vespa 150 Sprint
8944;Black rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting);Black rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting)
2878;Rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 - 90 - 125 - Primavera - ET3;Black Vespa rear luggage rack, for single saddle. Suitable for models: - Vespa V50 - Vespa 90 - Vespa 125 - Vespa PV - Vespa ET3
6649;Rear luggage rack for tank with threading for Vespa 50 1st series;Rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 1st series. ATTENTION: the colour of the article may not correspond with the published photo.
11976;Rear luggage rack for tank without threading for Vespa 50 1st serie;Rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 1st serie. ATTENTION: The colour of the article may not correspond with the published photo.
6978;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa 125 V2T - VL2>3T - VB1T;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa 125 V2T - VL2>3T - VB1T
9768;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Elestart 50R - 50 Special;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Elestart 50R - 50 Special
7980;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Elestart 50R - 50 Special (plate fitting);Vespa rear luggage carrier with plate fitting. Fits the following models: - Vespa Elestart 50 R - Vespa 50 Special
9327;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa GTS 250;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa GTS 250
11525;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Large frame;30cm long, 22cm wide
11526;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Large frame;27cm long, 22cm wide
9331;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX
9336;Rear luggage rack for Vespa VBB - VNA - VNB - GL - GT - SPRINT - S. VELOCE;Rear luggage rack for Vespa. Fits models: - Vespa VBB - Vespa VNA - Vespa VNB - Vespa GL
120395;PX rear luggage carrier without flap with spare wheel;PX rear luggage carrier without flap with spare wheel Fits the following models PX 150 E (Scheibe) ZAPM511 (98-) P 80 X/PX 80 E V8X1T 2T AC 81-83 P 125 X VNX1T/VNX2T 2T AC 77-83 P 150 X / PX 150 E VLX1T 2T AC 78-84 P 200 E / PX 200 E VSX1T 2T AC 77-84 PX 80 E Lusso/Elestart V8X1T 2T AC 84-96 PX 125 E Lusso MY M093/M74 2T AC 98-14 PX 150 E Lusso VLX1T 2T AC 83-97 PX 200 E Lusso MY VSX1T 2T AC 98-01 PX 200 E Lusso/GS/MY VSX1T 2T AC 84-01
10273;RMS rear luggage rack black for Vespa PX
74233;SIP rear luggage rack black for Vespa Cosa 1/2, 25X37cm
9325;Vespa 125 VNB6T - VNC1 - VNL2T>3T GT - GTR - TS - VBC1T - VLB1T - Sprint Veloce - PX - PE version with separate saddle; Vespa rear luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa 125 VNB6T - Vespa VNC1 - Vespa VNL2T>3T GT - Vespa GTR - Vespa TS - Vespa VBC1T - Vespa VLB1T - Vespa Sprint Veloce - Vespa PX - Vespa PE version with separate saddles
5878;Vespa Pk50-Xl-Rush-N-FL2 rear luggage rack colour black;Vespa Pk50-Xl-Rush-N-FL2 rear luggage rack colour black
16628;Rear luggage rack, CUPPINI for Vespa 125 VNA/VNB/GT/GTR /Super/TS/150 VBA/VBB/GL /Sprint/V/Super/T4/160 GS 2° /180 SS/Rally black, load area: 23x25 cm, foldable, one bar
63172;Rear luggage rack, CUPPINI for Vespa 125 VNB4-6/GT/GTR/TS /Super/150 VBB2/GL/Sprint/V /160 GS 2°/180 SS/ Rally chrome, load area: 25x38 cm, foldable
16174;Rear luggage rack, FA for Vespa 946 3V i.e. 125ccm chrome, for original PIAGGIO top case, for original luggage rack mounting PI000008 required;
16972;Rear luggage carrier, FA for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60, 125-300ccm chrome-plated, load area: 30x21 cm, foldable
16642;Rear luggage carrier, FA for Vespa Primavera/Sprint /Electric 50-150ccm gloss black, rigid, for original PIAGGIO top case;
17058;Rear luggage carrier, FACO for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60 125-300ccm chrome-plated, load area: 33x21 cm, foldable, for original PIAGGIO top-case;
16516;Rear luggage carrier, for Lambretta 125 LI 3° /Special/GP/DL/150 LI 3° /Special/SX/GP/DL/175 TV 3° /200 TV/SX/GP/DL chromed, foldable, with support, incl. spare wheel carrier as accessory
74043;Rear luggage carrier, for Vespa 125 V30-33/VM/VN/VL VB1 galvanised, incl. spare wheel carrier, horizontal as accessory;;
17214;Rear luggage carrier, for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5 Classic chromed, load area: 38x25 cm, foldable
17049;Rear luggage rack, PIAGGIO PX 2011 for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso /'98/MY/'11/T5 steel, chrome-plated, foldable
17177;Rear luggage rack, small for Lambretta 125 LI 3° /Special/GP/DL/150 LI 3° /Special/SX/GP/DL/175 TV 3° /200 TV/SX/GP/DL polished stainless steel, load area: 26x21 cm
56593;CUPPINI spare wheel carrier for 8 closed rim, rear Vespa 125 VNA/VNB1-5/150 VBA/VBB grey
9329;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 125 GTR - 150 Sprint;Chrome-plated Vespa rear luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits models: - Vespa 125 GTR - Vespa 150 Sprint
9334;Chromed rear Vespa luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 50 Special - ET3 - Primavera;Chromed rear Vespa luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 Special - Vespa ET3 - Vespa Primavera
9328;Chrome plated rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa GT 125L - 200L
10992;Chromed rear luggage rack with backrest for Vespa GT - GTR - Sprint - Sprint V. - GL - Super - TS - VNB from 4T>6T - VBA - VBB - PX;Chromed rear luggage rack with backrest for Vespa GT - GTR - Sprint V. - GL - Super - TS - VNB from 4T>6T - VBA - VBB - PX
6871;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack for new Vespa Primavera (scooter);Rear luggage rack, FA for Vespa Primavera/Sprint/Electric 50-150ccm chrome, 32x21 cm luggage rack, foldable The products made by FA Italia are definitely Made in Italy '. Their range of chrome accessories are heavily based on the design of the OE PIAGGIO parts, at significantly lower prices, with no loss of production or chrome quality. The weld seams are neat, precise and all items have an engraved FA Italia logo on the display to make their origin beyond doubt. FA Italia is one of the first manufacturers to be able to offer their complete range in a beautiful shade of black that adds a particularly sporty touch in combination with the current blue, white or red paintjobs. This rear rack is firmly bolted to the frame at four separate points. To activate this grab rail pillions must be removed. Instead, another grab rail is integrated into the design of the carrier itself. The original panel used to cover the four fixing screws can no longer be used. The large luggage carrying surface allows the use of any universal pannier system, but for more style an original PIAGGIO element can of course find its place! Conclusion: Definitely to be taken into consideration due to their general appearance and general quality being so close to that of the original PIAGGIO items! Fits models: VESPA Electric ZAPCB0100 -- -- 2018 VESPA Primavera 50 ZAPC53200 2T AC `13-`16 VESPA Primavera / Touring 4V 50 ZAPC53100 4T AC `13-`17 VESPA Primavera 3V / Touring Euro4 50 ZAPCA0100 4T AC `17-`18 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 150 ZAPM81200 / ZAPM81201 / ZAPM818/ RP8M82 4T AC `13-`16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 125 ZAPM81101 4T AC `13-`18 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V / Touring 125 ZAPM81100 / ZAPM81101 / RP8M82 4T AC `13-`16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 150 ZAPM81200 4T AC `16-`17 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 150 ZAPM81201 4T AC `16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V Euro4 125 ZAPM81100 4T AC `16-`17 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet 125 ZAPMA1100 / RP8M825 4T AC `16- VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet 125 RP8M82500 4T AC `16 VESPA Primavera i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 150 ZAPMA1200 / RP8M822 4T AC `16- VESPA Sprint / Sport 50 ZAPC53201 2T AC `14-`16 VESPA Sprint 3V Euro4 50 ZAPCA0101 4T AC `17-`19 VESPA Sprint 3V Euro4 50 ZAPCA0103 4T AC `18- VESPA Sprint 4V 50 ZAPC53101 4T AC `14-`17 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V 150 ZAPM81401 4T AC `14-`16 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V / Sport 150 ZAPM814 / RP8M8 4T AC `14-`16 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V / Sport 125 ZAPM81300 / ZAPM81301 / RP8M821 4T AC `14-`17 VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 125 ZAPMA1300 / RP8M825 4T AC `16- VESPA Sprint i.e. 3V iGet Euro4 150 ZAPMA1400 / RP8M82211 4T AC `16-
9769;Chromed rear rack for Vespa 50/125 S - LX. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 S - Vespa LX 50-125
11588;Chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa Cosa 1/2, 25X37cm
4984;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting);Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting)
5517;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack for Vespa PX - LML
6620;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX - PE all models;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX - PE all models
9330;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX up to 1983;ATTENTION: This model is not suitable for PX versions from Arcobaleno model onwards. Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX.
5797;Chrome plated rear luggage rack for Vespa Rally, SIP 70s for Vespa 125 VNB4-6/GT/GTR/TS/Super/150 VBB2/GL/Sprint/V/160 GS 2°/180 SS/ Rally, loading area: 30x20 cm, rigid;Chrome-plated rear luggage rack for Vespa Rally, SIP 70s for Vespa 125 VNB4-6/GT/GTR/TS/Super/150 VBB2/GL/Sprint/V/160 GS 2°/180 SS/ Rally, load area: 30x20 cm, rigid
11279;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa Sprint - GT - GTR - TS - GL - Rally. Fits the following models: - Vespa Sprint - Vespa GT - Vespa TS - Vespa GL - Vespa Rally
9333;Chromed rear luggage carrier for Vespa Sprint - Sprint Veloce - GL - GT - GTR - TS - RALLY 180/200 - Super - SS180 - GS160;Not compatible with PX models
10690;Cuppini rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5, folding size 38x25 cm, with backrest;Cuppini rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5, folding dimensions 38x25 cm, with backrest VESPA P125X 125 VNX1T 2T AC `77-`82 VESPA P150 S 150 VBX1T 2T AC `78-`90 VESPA P150X / PX150 E 150 VLX1T 2T AC `78-1985 VESPA P200E / PX200 E 200 VSX1T 2T AC `77-`83 VESPA P80 / P80 E (Frankreich) 80 V8A1T 2T AC `80-`84 VESPA P80X/PX80 E 80 V8X1T 2T AC `81-83 VESPA PX 80 E Lusso/ EFL/ Arcobaleno / Elestart 80 V8X1T 2T AC `83-`90 VESPA PX100 E 100 VIX1T 2T AC `83-`84 VESPA PX125 2011/ 30 Jahre 125 ZAPM74100 2T AC `11- VESPA PX125 CAT 125 ZAPM50100 2T AC `07- VESPA PX125 E 125 VNX2T 2T AC `81-`84 VESPA PX125 E 125 VNX2T 2T AC `81-`83 VESPA PX125 E '98 / Millenium 125 VNX2T 2T AC `98-`05 VESPA PX125 E Lusso/EFL/Arcobaleno / Elestart 125 VNX2T 2T AC `83-`97 VESPA PX150 2011 150 ZAPM74200 2T AC `11- VESPA PX150 E '98 / Millenium 150 VLX1T 2T AC `98 VESPA PX150 E Lusso/EFL/Arcobaleno / Elestart 150 VLX1T 2T AC `83-`97 VESPA PX200 E '98 / Millenium 200 VSX1T 2T AC `98- VESPA PX200 E Lusso/ EFL/ Arcobaleno / Elestart 200 VSX1T 2T AC `83-`97 VESPA T5 Classic 125 VNX5T 2T AC `92-`95 Luggage carriers are the ideal accompaniment for short and long excursions. Whether on the road for shopping or for a trip to Sicily - you need to upgrade the storage area. If you are on the road with a lot of luggage, weight distribution is essential for a safe journey. Overloaded luggage racks, both front and rear, have a negative influence on how your scooter handles. A proper sports chassis suspension is a real help here. Rear luggage racks are connected to holes already drilled in the seat and tank and are bolted on. Several models are equipped with additional bars for optimal holding power. These are connected to the lower edge of the frame and screwed on. Almost all racks are available as fold-up and non-fold-up models. Fixed (non-fold-up) models are particularly useful when carrying suitcases, bags and topcases. For this original 60s look, it is recommended to install roof racks with back support and spare wheel holder. Be sure to pay attention to the tyre dimensions when ordering.
120422;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 50 - ET3;Chromed Faco Vespa rear luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 - Vespa ET3
2421;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack with flap for Vespa PX - PE;Chromed Faco rear Vespa luggage rack with flap. Fits the following models: - Vespa PX - Vespa PE
2426;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap for Vespa ET2 - ET4;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap Fits the following models: - Vespa ET2 - Vespa ET4
2430;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60/GT/GT L 125-300ccm;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with flap for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60/GT/GT L 125-300ccm
2442;Faco chromed rear luggage carrier with backrest for Vespa PX 125 - 151- PX - PE - PX Disco;Vespa rear luggage carrier Faco chromed with backrest. Suitable for the following models: - Vespa PX 125 - 151 - Vespa PX - Vespa PE - Vespa PX with disc brake
8932;Chromed Faco rear carrier for Vespa 50N - PK - XL - HP - Rush;Black Faco rear Vespa carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50N - Vespa PK - XL - HP - Vespa Rush
2447;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa GTS 300 - 250i;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa GTS 300 - 250i
2431;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa LX;Faco chromed rear luggage rack for Vespa LX
2767;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa Special - Primavera - ET3;Chromed Faco rear luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 Special - Vespa Primavera - Vespa ET3
2441;Black Faco rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 50 - ET3;Black Faco rear Vespa luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50 - Vespa ET3
7916;Black Faco rear luggage rack with backrest for Vespa PX - PE;Black Faco rear Vespa luggage rack with backrest. Fits the following models: - Vespa PX - Vespa PE
7999;Black Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 Special - Primavera - ET3;Black Faco rear luggage rack. Suitable for the following models: - Vespa 50 Special - Vespa Primavera - Vespa ET3
2445;Black Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa 50N - PK - XL - HP - Rush;Black Faco rear luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa 50N - Vespa PK - XL - HP - Vespa Rush
2439;Black Faco rear luggage rack for Vespa PX 125 - 151- PX - PE - PX Disco;Black painted Faco rear Vespa luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa PX 125 - 151 - Vespa PX - Vespa PE - Vespa PX with disc brake
0351;Black-painted rear luggage rack 30x20 cm for Vespa Sprint - Sprint Veloce - GL - GT - GTR - TS - RALLY 180/200 - Super - SS180 - GS160;Black-painted rear Vespa luggage rack, 30x20 cm Fits the following models: - Vespa Rally - Vespa Sprint - Vespa GTR - Vespa GT - Vespa TS - Vespa GL - Vespa 180SS
6835;Black rear luggage rack with wheel carrier for Vespa 125 GTR - 150 Sprint;Chrome-plated Vespa rear luggage rack with wheel carrier. Fits models: - Vespa 125 GTR - Vespa 150 Sprint
8944;Black rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting);Black rear luggage carrier for Vespa PK - ETS (plate fitting)
2878;Rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 - 90 - 125 - Primavera - ET3;Black Vespa rear luggage rack, for single saddle. Suitable for models: - Vespa V50 - Vespa 90 - Vespa 125 - Vespa PV - Vespa ET3
6649;Rear luggage rack for tank with threading for Vespa 50 1st series;Rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 1st series. ATTENTION: the colour of the article may not correspond with the published photo.
11976;Rear luggage rack for tank without threading for Vespa 50 1st serie;Rear luggage rack for Vespa 50 1st serie. ATTENTION: The colour of the article may not correspond with the published photo.
6978;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa 125 V2T - VL2>3T - VB1T;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa 125 V2T - VL2>3T - VB1T
9768;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Elestart 50R - 50 Special;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Elestart 50R - 50 Special
7980;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Elestart 50R - 50 Special (plate fitting);Vespa rear luggage carrier with plate fitting. Fits the following models: - Vespa Elestart 50 R - Vespa 50 Special
9327;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa GTS 250;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa GTS 250
11525;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Large frame;30cm long, 22cm wide
11526;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa Large frame;27cm long, 22cm wide
9331;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX;Rear luggage carrier for Vespa PX
9336;Rear luggage rack for Vespa VBB - VNA - VNB - GL - GT - SPRINT - S. VELOCE;Rear luggage rack for Vespa. Fits models: - Vespa VBB - Vespa VNA - Vespa VNB - Vespa GL
120395;PX rear luggage carrier without flap with spare wheel;PX rear luggage carrier without flap with spare wheel Fits the following models PX 150 E (Scheibe) ZAPM511 (98-) P 80 X/PX 80 E V8X1T 2T AC 81-83 P 125 X VNX1T/VNX2T 2T AC 77-83 P 150 X / PX 150 E VLX1T 2T AC 78-84 P 200 E / PX 200 E VSX1T 2T AC 77-84 PX 80 E Lusso/Elestart V8X1T 2T AC 84-96 PX 125 E Lusso MY M093/M74 2T AC 98-14 PX 150 E Lusso VLX1T 2T AC 83-97 PX 200 E Lusso MY VSX1T 2T AC 98-01 PX 200 E Lusso/GS/MY VSX1T 2T AC 84-01
10273;RMS rear luggage rack black for Vespa PX
74233;SIP rear luggage rack black for Vespa Cosa 1/2, 25X37cm
9325;Vespa 125 VNB6T - VNC1 - VNL2T>3T GT - GTR - TS - VBC1T - VLB1T - Sprint Veloce - PX - PE version with separate saddle; Vespa rear luggage rack. Fits the following models: - Vespa 125 VNB6T - Vespa VNC1 - Vespa VNL2T>3T GT - Vespa GTR - Vespa TS - Vespa VBC1T - Vespa VLB1T - Vespa Sprint Veloce - Vespa PX - Vespa PE version with separate saddles
5878;Vespa Pk50-Xl-Rush-N-FL2 rear luggage rack colour black;Vespa Pk50-Xl-Rush-N-FL2 rear luggage rack colour black
16628;Rear luggage rack, CUPPINI for Vespa 125 VNA/VNB/GT/GTR /Super/TS/150 VBA/VBB/GL /Sprint/V/Super/T4/160 GS 2° /180 SS/Rally black, load area: 23x25 cm, foldable, one bar
63172;Rear luggage rack, CUPPINI for Vespa 125 VNB4-6/GT/GTR/TS /Super/150 VBB2/GL/Sprint/V /160 GS 2°/180 SS/ Rally chrome, load area: 25x38 cm, foldable
16174;Rear luggage rack, FA for Vespa 946 3V i.e. 125ccm chrome, for original PIAGGIO top case, for original luggage rack mounting PI000008 required;
16972;Rear luggage carrier, FA for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60, 125-300ccm chrome-plated, load area: 30x21 cm, foldable
16642;Rear luggage carrier, FA for Vespa Primavera/Sprint /Electric 50-150ccm gloss black, rigid, for original PIAGGIO top case;
17058;Rear luggage carrier, FACO for Vespa GTS/GTS Super/GTV/GT 60 125-300ccm chrome-plated, load area: 33x21 cm, foldable, for original PIAGGIO top-case;
16516;Rear luggage carrier, for Lambretta 125 LI 3° /Special/GP/DL/150 LI 3° /Special/SX/GP/DL/175 TV 3° /200 TV/SX/GP/DL chromed, foldable, with support, incl. spare wheel carrier as accessory
74043;Rear luggage carrier, for Vespa 125 V30-33/VM/VN/VL VB1 galvanised, incl. spare wheel carrier, horizontal as accessory;;
17214;Rear luggage carrier, for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso/T5 Classic chromed, load area: 38x25 cm, foldable
17049;Rear luggage rack, PIAGGIO PX 2011 for Vespa PX80-200/PE/Lusso /'98/MY/'11/T5 steel, chrome-plated, foldable
17177;Rear luggage rack, small for Lambretta 125 LI 3° /Special/GP/DL/150 LI 3° /Special/SX/GP/DL/175 TV 3° /200 TV/SX/GP/DL polished stainless steel, load area: 26x21 cm
56593;CUPPINI spare wheel carrier for 8 closed rim, rear Vespa 125 VNA/VNB1-5/150 VBA/VBB grey
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€30,00 All prices include VAT